Thursday 29 May 2014


Argh! Networking is a necessary evil of selling online it seems! Whilst I really enjoy discovering new people and learning about their crafts, heck I even like getting to know the supremely talented sellers who put my stuff to shame, I really don't enjoy the other aspects of getting my work "out there". Trawling around promoting your products whilst keeping on the right side of the likes of Facebook and Google, to name a few, is hard work. You could almost do it full time, which is fine, but when then do you make the products you're trying so hard to sell!

I have learnt so much since I began this journey of self promotion though. I no longer shy away (well completely) from putting my work out there. My confidence in my makes is growing (slowly!) and I'm learning it's ok to tell people you think yours stuff is, well, good enough for them to buy! I now need to work on my organisation and getting the balance right. Knowing when to put the mouse down and to stop chasing those last few likes to the latest milestone is just as important as remembering to keep everyone in the loop I think! It's hard but I'm getting there, hopefully!

I posted this up on Facebook the other week and it became one of my most popular posts so I thought I'd pop it up here for you guys to see too (and if you're not already a follower why not look me up over there and/or on my G+ page :-))


So, finishing what has become a bit of a sharing theme this week, a "did you know?" (because I didn't until I had a page!):

- only about 30% of you will see my posts (if I'm lucky!)
- if you don't interact with my page (like, comment, share) more than 3 times in a month Facebook will assume you don't want to see me anymore (and will unlike you from the page!)
- if you are one of the lucky ones who sees my posts and you just scroll past it Facebook will assume it's boring and start hiding me from even more people
- if you share, comment or even just like my posts you are helping me (an incredible amount) to be seen by more people
- if you like or interact with my page from your business account unfortunately Facebook doesn't count you (hello to all the talented businesses that follow me though!)
- if you like or interact with my page from your personal account there's a chance that one of your friends may discover my page and see something they like :-D

So, basically, you are one of most valuable things on my page, please let me know what I can do to make your visit more enjoyable :-)

Thank you for being here!

Wednesday 2 April 2014


I've been playing a lot with polymer clay recently culminating in a project I'm really quite proud of - but can't fully post about yet because the recipient hasn't seen it! Polymer clay has been one of my staple crafty go to's since I was little. I used to spend hours playing with it, making jewellery and ornaments for friends and family. Somehow though, as I got older, I drifted away from it and certainly never thought it could be one of those serious craft items that "proper" crafters use! How wrong was I! As I look around the various craft forums it is definitely being used, and being used really well! People far more talented than myself are creating really beautiful items with this humble material. As a result my passion has been reawakened and I'm enjoying seeing just where I can take it. Watch this spot :-)

Sunday 2 March 2014

Spring has sprung

Spring is most definitely trying to spring around here and the new found sunny warmness is starting to make its way into my new makes. Time to set aside the warm winter reds and golds and bring in some new fresher colours. This prompted a run to the craft store the other weekend (well that and I had a voucher so it would be rude not to go!) and lots of wonderful goodies are sat waiting  for some new projects. I'll post photos up as soon as I get a chance :-)